If your in to Jazz or just interested in learning about Jazz greats and their songs, then you need to stop by at Jazz and Draw. Jazz and Draw is the creative idea of Philipe Debongnie, who started the site back in January 2011, because he loves Jazz. The main purpose of the site is to connect people through art and introduce them to Jazz Musicians and new artists. Anyone can submit their art as long as it adheres to the guidelines, which are to render your favorite musician and and tell which of their songs you like best. If you can find a link to the song send it along, so others can be exposed to the music. By doing this it gives ALL a chance to share not just in great music but in artwork as well. The more people submit their favorite jazz musician the larger the Jazz collection grows, enabling this site to become a visual and audio archive for people about Jazz Musicians and their music in the future.
So if you find yourself with nothing to do someday, pick up a pencil, pen or other drawing tool and render your favorite person of Jazz and send it in to philippe@jazzanddraw.com You say you cant draw but still like jazz, then tweet it at Twitter or like it at Facebook
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